BACKLINE Photo Contest - 2020 / 2021

Schickt uns Eure zwei besten Bilder zum Thema Backcountry Freeskiing und Ihr gewinnt tolle Preise – Produkte, auf die Ihr Euch bei der nächsten Tour verlassen könnt.
Send us your two best backcountry freeskiing pictures and win great prizes – products to rely on during the next tour.
Send us your two best backcountry freeskiing pictures and get a chance to win great prizes. Two teams, selected by the jury, will win the following prizes. The jury (6/8 votes) will select one team each as the winner from the entries in two categories – professional and amateur photographer.
The winning teams will be contacted via Facebook & Instagram & email. Your fans will also be able to vote for you via Facebook (2/8 votes) at the
end of the contest.
You can send your pictures till the 15. 05. 2021
- Via E-Mail an:
- Via Facebook Nachricht oder @ing
- Via Instagram Nachricht oder @ing
End of the picture submission is the 15.05.2021
Selection of the winners will be completed from the 16. 05. 2021 - 22. 05. 2021
By sending us your photos, you grant BACKLINE the non-exclusive rights of use (online) for the submitted images, and therefore enable BACKLINE to use your pictures online free of charge.
Zwei Teams, die von der Jury gewählt werden, gewinnen die nachfolgenden Preise. Die Jury (6/8 Stimmen) wird in zwei Kategorien – Profi- und Amateurfotograf – aus den Einsendungen je ein Team als Gewinner ermitteln.
Die jeweiligen Gewinner-Teams benachrichtigen wir via Facebook & Instagram & E-Mail. Eure Fans haben ebenfalls die Chance, am Ende über Facebook (2/8 Stimmen) ein Voting abzugeben.
Zusendung der Bilder kann bis zum 15. 05. 2021 erfolgen.
- Via E-Mail an:
- Via Facebook Nachricht oder @ing
- Via Instagram Nachricht oder @ing
Einsendeschluss ist der 15. 05. 2021
Ermittlung der Gewinner erfolgt vom 16. 05. 2021 – 22. 05. 2021
Mit der Zusendung Eurer Fotos erteilt Ihr BACKLINE die nicht ausschließlichen
Nutzungsrechte (Online) für die zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte und räumt damit BACKLINE unentgeltlich die Möglichkeit ein, Eure Bilder online zu verwenden.
Here are the final results of the 2021 Photo Contest after 6 jury member votes and the Community votes on Facebook:
PRO category
1st: Team 11 / total of 68 points
2nd: Team 1 / total of 60 points
3rd: Team 9 / total of 51 points
1st: Team 14 / total of 63 points
2nd: Team 15 / total of 39 points
3rd: Team 10 / total of 34 points
Congratulation to all winners and thank you to all participants.

Wolfgang Eyshold
Wolfgang lives in munich, as he is working in sportsmarketing at the evoc HQ. He‘s riding and racing Mountainbikes for 15 years now. When he is not riding he discovers the mountains by feet. There is nothing better than the feeling of standing on a top of a mountain.
Votes Amateur Contest
1st Team 17 - 10 Points
2nd Team 14 - 8 Points
3rd Team 10 - 5 Points
Votes Pro Contest
1st Team 11 - 10 Points
2nd Team 1 - 8 Points
3rd Team 9 - 5 Points

Eva Schulenburg
Eva lives in Düsseldorf and is working in PR and marketing for the start-up company of the Skotti grill. She started skiing when she was five. Ever since she tries to spend as much time outdoors as possible and cherishes her frequent trips to the mountains deeply. Only very few things are better than gliding down a slope (except maybe a nice BBQ)!
Votes Amateur Contest
1st Team 14 - 10 Points
2nd Team 10 - 8 Points
3rd Team 15 - 5 Points
Votes Pro Contest
1st Team 11 - 10 Points
2nd Team 1 - 8 Points
3rd Team 9 - 5 Points

Sarah Kampf
Sarah Kampf is PR & Communications Manager for Rab & Lowe Alpine.
Votes Amateur Contest
1st Team 14 - 10 Points
2nd Team 12 - 8 Points
3rd Team 17 - 5 Points
Votes Pro Contest
1st Team 11 - 10 Points
2nd Team 9 - 8 Points
3rd Team 1 - 5 Points

Justus Specht is PR & Marketing Manager for Head.
Votes Amateur Contest
1st Team 14 - 10 Points
2nd Team 10 - 8 Points
3rd Team 17 - 5 Points
Votes Pro Contest
1st Team 11 - 10 Points
2nd Team 9 - 8 Points
3rd Team 1 - 5 Points

Julia lives in the Bavarian alps and spends as much time as possible in the mountains – mountaineering, climbing or skitouring.
She is PR consultant at Geschwister Zack PR, a PR agency with focus on sports and lifestyle.
Votes Amateur Contest
1st Team 13 - 10 Points
2nd Team 15 - 8 Points
3rd Team 10 - 5 Points
Votes Pro Contest
1st Team 1 - 10 Points
2nd Team 11 - 8 Points
3rd Team 8 - 5 Points
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